PM directs Punjab govt to expedite approval process of local body bill

usman buzdar
Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan on Sunday directed the Punjab government to expedite the approval process of local body bill.

Following the commands of PM, CM Punjab Usman Buzdar has called the meeting of the Standing Committee on Local Government on Tuesday.

The strategy on approval process of local bodies bill will be finalized by Raja Basharat. On Monday, both the leaders including Raja Basharat and CM Buzdar might hold a meeting and will brief the assembly s Law Minister about the plan.

On Tuesday, the Standing Committee on Local Government will hold a meeting and after it approved the bill the meeting of the Punjab Assembly will be called. The bill will be approved on the agreement of majority in the parliament.

It is pertinent to mention here that earlier on Friday, the Prime Minister during his visit to Lahore had directed the Punjab government to get the bill passed soon.

