As long as I am alive, I will not end my struggle: Imran Khan

PTI chairman Imran Khan
PTI Chairman Imran Khan on Sunday once again criticised the incumbent coalition government and alleged that it was going to recognise Israel.

The former prime minister's comment came in response to Israeli President Isaac Herzog's statement where he acknowledged that he had had a meeting with a Pakistani-American delegation, terming the encounter "amazing."

A Pakistani government official, however, maintained that "no official or semi-official delegation from Pakistan met the Israeli president".

"This government will strike a deal with India to sell the people of Kashmir, and to top it off, they are also going to accept Israel," he said while addressing the PTI workers' convention in Charsadda, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Berating the coalition government, Khan said that while it "conspired" with the Americans to remove him from power, the people of Pakistan would never accept an "imported government" that has been imposed on them.

"We will not accept these thieves and slaves of the United States," he said, adding that the PTI was fighting the real war of liberation against those who "robbed the country."

Speaking about the violent clashes between PTI workers and the police during the party's "Azadi March," Khan said that two of his workers — one from Lahore and the other one from Mardan — lost their lives while fighting for the country's independence.

"As long as I am alive, I will not end my struggle and jihad against these thieves," Khan said.

The former premier censured the government for using force against PTI workers who took to the streets against the alleged foreign conspiracy and said that the Supreme Court had allowed the PTI to protest peacefully as a democratic right but the government tried to sabotage it.

"Listen, Shehbaz Sharif, Hamza and Rana Sanaullah, we will go to court and we will prosecute you and will make sure to throw your corrupt " Khan warned. "Male police, following your orders, also invaded homes to disrespect the privacy of women."

He also condemned how the police attacked the vehicle of former Punjab health minister Dr Yasmin Rasheed.

Khan also criticised the government for increasing the prices of petroleum products and said that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is also controlled by the United States.

"They have hiked petrol prices because of IMF's insistence," he said, adding that the PTI will take to the streets once again to protest against the government.

